
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Back to School Sale

No doubt you’re all thinking about the beginning of the school year and adding things to your TpT wishlist like a madwoman!  (I can’t be the only one!)

I’m happy to announce that I’m here to help!  My entire store will be on sale August 12-13th (Sunday and Monday).  You can get up to 28% off all my products.  AMAZING!

Every product will be on 20% off.  Make sure to use the coupon code - BTS12 to get an extra 10%off!

BTS 12 250x125

Here are some of the things you can find and wishlist until the sale!

Back to school packets
sale for blog1

You can also find my Splat packets which come in English only and bilingual forms
Splat Writing Craftivity - Bilingual CoverSplish Splash Splat - English - CoverSplish Splash Splat - Bilingual

You’ll find other items there too!  Click the green sign (green means go... so go!)
green TPT.png
I know I have a bunch of things on my wish list I’ll be purchasing.
Happy back to school shopping!  

Mrs. Castro


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